

Prayer 1

조회 952

교목실 2011-04-18

Almighty and Thankful God, we very much appreciate your endless love.

O God,
At the beginning of a new school year, O God of wisdom, we offer thanks and praise for the gift of new beginnings and for the opportunity to learn and to wonder.
We pray for teachers, students, and staff that this year might be rewarding for all.
Be with us as we face the challenge of new tasks, the fear of failure, the expectation of parents, friends, and self.

God of truth and knowledge, by your wisdom we are taught the way and the truth.
Bless all friends in this Chapel class as we now start this Chapel course.
Walk with these students as they move forward in school life.
Take away their anxiety and confusion of purpose.
Strengthen their many talents and skills, install in them a confidence in the future you plan, where energies may be gathered up and used for the good of all people; for the sake of Jesus Christ.
In our learning and our teaching, may we grow in service to others and in love for your world, through Jesus Christ our Savior.

We pray with your gracious lovely Son, Jesus Christ.