
Five Asian Universities to Jointly Run “2012 Asia Summer Program”

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2012-07-02 00:00

Five Asian Universities to Jointly Run “2012 Asia Summer Program”
Five Asian universities will collaborate to hold the 2012 Asia Summer Program aimed at fostering talented leaders possessing a strong understanding of Asian perspectives. Roughly 100 students from the represented nations will gather to learn about issues involving the cultures, economies, and circumstances pertaining to various regions of Asia.

Participating universities include Dongseo University, Petra Christian University, Josai International University, Bangkok University, and the University of Malaysia Perlis. This year’s Asia Summer Program will be held by in Surabaya, Indonesia from July 16th to August 3rd at Petra Christian University, with next year’s Program to be held in Korea at Dongseo University.

The member universities will open nine new courses during this event, with lectures to be conducted in English. Students can choose 2 out of 9 courses, worth 4 Liberal Arts credits. Plans are also in place to increase the number of participating universities and students.

DSU supports the 20 selected participants for this year’s Asia Summer Program with round-trip fares. The individual fee for participation is 590 U.S. dollars.