
News New Stage of Specialist Maritime Port Logistics Training Program Begins

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2020-03-02 09:15

Dongseo University has been selected by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to offer the 4th stage of the Specialist Maritime Port Logistics Training Program. A five-year program running from 2020 to 2024, it will be financially supported by a total of 860 million won, 540 million won of which will be provided by the Ministry, 160 million won by the Busan Metropolitan City Council, and 160 million won directly by DSU.

The Specialist Maritime Port Logistics Training Program is an ‘industrial internship course’ that assists in youth employment by arranging internships in various domestic and foreign companies in order to provide participants with professional training in shipping and port logistics.

In particular, DSU’s operation of the program is of special note for its organization of the ‘In-School Field System,’ through which on-site shipping and port logistics expert training teams develop students' practical capabilities by implementing additional industrial components into DSU's educational environment.

Professor Han Cheol-hwan, director of the program, explained, “This project is an industry-academic program that combines DSU’s differentiated education program with an internship education experience through its extensive network with domestic and overseas companies. Not only will it enhance participating students’ employment prospects, but it will also contribute towards the community through the development of future talent in the regional maritime industry.”
This 4th stage of the program will be overseen by the Department of International Logistics, and it is intended to further cement the department as one of the leading institutions of its kind in the Busan region. Previously, the Division of International Studies oversaw the 3rd stage of the program from 2015 to 2019.