
7th Korea-China-Japan International Symposium Hosted

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2015-10-22 13:24

Dongseo University hosted the 7th Korea-China-Japan International Symposium on October 17 at the Lotte Hotel in Busan. The conference was organized by DSU’s Center for Chinese Studies and Japan Center. The theme of the symposium was peace in Northeast Asia through cooperation among Korea, China, and Japan.

Thirty people, representing a number of institutes and research centers in Korea, China, and Japan, participated in the symposium. They discussed the geopolitical situation in Northeast Asia; ways Korea, China, and Japan could cooperate in maintaining peace in the region; ways the three countries could cooperate for economic development; and effects of the policies of Chinese President Xi Jinping on the rest of Asia.

Besides DSU’s Center for Chinese Studies and Japan Center, other organizations represented at the symposium included the DSU Confucius Institute, Keio University’s KEIO Institute of East Asian Studies (KIEAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Korean National Diplomatic Academy.

The symposium began with a speech from Prof. Shin Jeong-seung, Head of DSU’s Center for Chinese Studies. Next, DSU President Jekuk Chang delivered a welcome speech. This was followed by presentations from Prof. Soeya Yoshihide, Head of the Center for Contemporary Korea Studies at KIEAS; Piao Jianyi, Head of Asia-Pacific Global Strategy Research at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; and Shin Bong-il of the Korea National Diplomatic Academy. Discussions were held among the attendees after the presentations concluded.

In President Chang’s welcome speech, he noted, “This symposium is the first international conference held since the opening of the Center for Chinese Studies at Dongseo University.” He also said, “I will do my best to ensure that DSU’s Chinese and Japanese research centers contribute to developing a spirit of cooperation among our three countries.”