
Fruitful Industry-Academia Cooperation Leads to Student Employment in Film and Digital Media Industry

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2018-03-06 17:06

In 2017, the Busan branch of Studio Macrograph relocated in the Dongseo University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation Hall. Studio Macrograph, a famous digital media and film production company, was heavily involved in the 2nd stage production processes of the Chinese films The Monkey King (2014) and The Mermaid (2016), both among the highest-ever grossing films in China.


Speaking about the move, Busan Studio Macrograph Director Pyo Yeong-il said “We hope to help improve participants’ abilities by creating a learning environment in which a great deal of attention is paid to the enthusiasm and potential of DSU graduate and undergraduate students.”


He added that Image and Contents Ph. D. students Jiang Haitao and Ji Yun, as well as undergraduate Digital Contents student Park Soon-hak, who graduated in late-2017, have received constructive criticism and support in their creative endeavours from US-based DreamWorks Artists, in order to help grow their global reach and working capacity from Busan. Directly involved in this process, he did not hesitate to help, and soon offered positions to the three students. While working on the latest film Psychokinesis (2017) by renowned director Yeon Sang-ho, well-known internationally for Train to Busan (2016), he also decided to hire DSU Digital Contents student Kim Tae-ho, who graduated in February 2018, as a modelling and texturing artist.


The creative talents of Jiang Haitao and Ji Yun have been developed through the expertise offered by faculty in the Korea-China New Media Academy, a joint-venture between Korea and China, operated by DSU and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.


Jiang Haitao and Ji Yun, who were also students of the Korean and Chinese New Media Schools located in Wuhan, China, participated in the DSU’s Digital Contents’ 2+2 joint degree program through which students accumulate academic and practical skills in both Korea and China. They said “We look forward to likewise taking care of our juniors in 2018.”


Studio Macrograph Busan currently has a number of projects in the field of modelling, crowd simulation and VFX, specializing in digital actors.