

Prayer content(0913)-민은경

조회 977

윤석일 2012-09-13

Dear lord,
Sometimes it is easy to wonder where our life are going. There are many choices to make in our daily life. I need a plan for our life. What is in store for our future?
But sometimes I get ourselves and become too proud. There are many good things happening in our life, and sometimes We take credit. But the truth is that everything We are and everything We do is completely from you. Pride is a sin that is often overlooked. Lord, Help us stay humble in all of our words and actions. And It is obvious how much you love us and want to be with us, Lord. You love us, God, but sometimes you need to remind us. And Our pastor has been called to lead our chapel. We pray that You help the minister stay humble and true to your calling. In the name of Jesus Christ who is full of love and grace we pray, Amen

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