
News Work-Learning Project Provides Practical Opportunities for Students

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2020-02-10 15:45

On January 21, the DSU IPP (Industry Professional Practice) Work-Learning Parallel Project Group held the 2019 IPP Work-Learning Parallel Project Performance Report Meeting at AVANI Central Hotel in Busan.
Industry Professional Practice is a type of work-learning tandem education system under a field-oriented industry-academic cooperation education model administered by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. This project is a new industry-academic cooperation education and training system with the aim of alleviating Korea’s youth unemployment problem, and it is particularly focused on addressing the mismatch between industry demand for human resources and university supply.
In 2019, the DSU IPP Project enabled 100 students to work and gain practical experience on field trips to 51 companies. A further 36 students were able to work for extended periods of time in 15 more companies.

The January event was attended by more than 70 guests, among whom were some of the 2019 student participants, new company officials who will participate in the project in 2020, and on- and off-campus steering committee members.
Among the companies that participated in the DSU IPP Project in 2019, 10 were noted for their enthusiastic participation in the project and for their high levels of student support: Geotech Engineering, SMC, Toas Korea, Adxeno, Kookje Shinmun, Ecomine, Aisen, KMA, Dio Implant, and Kyoungsung. In addition, 14 of the total of 136 student participants were presented with awards in recognition of their excellent performances in the companies they were embedded in.
In 2018, DSU was selected to be the fourth university to participate in the IPP Project by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Human Resources Development Service of Korea. This selection was based on its “A” grade obtained and designation as an “excellent operating university” in the most recent round of university performance evaluations.