
Online to Offline (O2O): An Innovative Approach to Teaching

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2013-04-11 00:00

This past winter vacation was not a real vacation for some professors in the International Studies Department at DSU. They spent their time videotaping 45 half -hour lectures, for five different classes. Since March, students enrolled in these classes have been watching the lectures at their convenience, which allows professors to use regular class times for question-and-answer periods about the topics of the lectures or for team presentations and discussions.

Professor Han Chul-hwan, head of International Studies said, “It was a lot of hard work preparing the lectures, but the benefits have already started to show. With O2O, students have more opportunities to express their ideas, to work productively as a team, and to work on their presentation skills.”

The feedback received from students currently enrolled has been very positive. It is anticipated that the O2O approach will be used for more classes in other departments in the future.