
The Compassionate DSU Family

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2013-04-26 00:00

In the spring semester of her freshmen year, Lee Ui-na, an Energy & Bioengineering student, suddenly collapsed after giving a presentation in her Character Building class. She was rushed to the hospital and underwent ten hours of surgery to repair a brain hemorrhage. She has faced, and continues to face, many challenges in her recovery from this tragedy, even having to relearn many basic daily functions.

Students and faculty took time to say a special prayer for Ui-na in Chapel last week. Prior to the service, DSU students made a video about her recovery process and posted it on Facebook. As a result, many students, faculty, and parents were made aware of her struggles. The DSU community has raised over 11,500,000 to help Ui-na and her family. One caring person has even offered a monthly donation over the coming year.

The special Chapel service held and the financial support offered demonstrate the strength and spirit of the DSU family. Ui-na, you are in our thoughts and prayers.