
Farewell Messages from ASP 2013 Participants

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2013-08-12 12:21

Ben Aka, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Focusing on the ASP 2013 program itself, I am very glad to be able to join this program and to get to know a lot of new friends coming from all walks of life and having different points of view. The program is very well planned and full of interesting activities promoting team work and creativity. The clock is ticking too fast as the program is coming to an end. It is obvious that this will be a sad moment, but hopefully all the great photos and memories will act as a remedy for this sadness. I wouldn't trade this whole experience for anything. I cherish every moment and embrace every new friendship. If circumstances permit, I will meet everyone again in the future.

Sendy Narulita, Widyatama University, Indonesia
During ASP 2013, I was very pleased to be able to visit Korea and learn many things at DSU. At the opening ceremony I was very happy to meet with President Jekuk Chang of Dongseo University, and the flying of paper airplanes containing our hopes and dreams was really impressive. We can learn how to respect each other, regardless of our differences, which is one of the goals of this program. We can also learn about many cultures from the various countries of the participants. In addition to our classes, we also learn about teamwork, leadership and responsibility from the games held every afternoon. We hope to remain in communication with all of the ASP participants so that we can further explore the cultures in each country. Hopefully, the lessons we get from this program can be useful to us and can be implemented now and in the future.

Khunsri Punyanuch, Rajamangala Univeristy of Technology Rattanakosin, Thailand
First, when I arrived I was impressed by the location since DSU has a very beautiful landscape. Second, the activities the ASP provided for us are very good. We spent our afternoons together enjoying various activities. They were really fun. Third, the ASP staff members were so friendly and kind. Finally, I made a lot of new friends. I have learned so many things from friends from different countries with different cultures and different languages. I have learned so many new things. I'm so glad that I have had a chance to join this program. I don't want the ASP program to end.

Sonny Soriano, Panpacific University North Philippines, Philippines
In today’s globalized world, it is very important to interact together on a day-to-day basis. The ASP succeeded in creating international learning opportunities providing global competitiveness to its participants. The program united everyone to advance through its teaching and learning processes. It also created an environment of cultural understanding that exposed participants to new and different approaches to life along with different ways of thinking. It increased understanding between people of different nations. Moreover, it was a holistic program in the sense of "teaching minds, touching the hearts and uplifting spirits.”

Huang Huijing, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
Thank you to all the staff, faculty and students from different countries for making the 2013 ASP so special to me. Although I arrived late, both in date and in time, I was met with joy. It really doesn't take a long time to fit in, as long as you are outgoing, smile and say “Hi” to everyone. The ASP courses were also a lot of fun. Different cultures were introduced, yet we didn't feel any gap in communicating with our new friends. I learned about contents quite different from those of my major. For instance, I am an English Major, but I chose Asian Complementary and Traditional Medicine as one of my courses. I learned a lot that I may not have had opportunities to touch upon at my own university. More important that the particular fields of study was the process of learning and enjoying ourselves together. There were various interesting activities in the ASP, either sports or cultural activities, which gave all of the participants a platform to make friends, show their talents and have fun. Dongseo University is a great place for fostering students with high-caliber talents. The facilities here are excellent. It is an honor to come and study at such a developed and advanced university. It is a bit pity that I could not take the whole program. Although my stay was short, these past two weeks have been full of accomplishment and I will have fond memories.

Kanai Sayumi, Josai University, Japan
I spent a fulfilling time participating in the Asia Summer Program. I was anxious at first about my English being not very good, so I was very glad when the Dongseo University staff warmly welcomed me. All classes were in English. Even though I didn't always understand everything, a lot of friends have helped me in preparing my presentations and reports. I joined several activities with many students in the afternoon. Among them, the water balloon activity was most impressive for me. I went sightseeing in Busan with friends from other countries in my free time. We ate traditional Korean foods and went shopping in the Jagalchi and International markets. Many friends, including me, were happy to communicate together. I want to learn a variety of languages such as Korean and Malay as well as English in the future. I am very happy to have been able to join the ASP.