
DSU Renews Educational Agreement with Sakhalin

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2013-09-11 09:46

This year marks the 10th anniversary of educational cooperation between Dongseo University in Korea and the Sakhalin region in Russia. In a ceremony held on August 20th, delegates met to renew and extend an agreement aimed at fostering talented individuals capable of furthering development in Sakhalin. The signing parties of the agreement were Evgeni Saponov, Minister of Education in Sakahalin; Deok Ho Park, Director of the Korean Education Institute in Sakhalin; and Dr. Jekuk Chang, President of DSU.

Since 2004, the Ministry of Education in Sakhalin and Dongseo University have selected 5 students each year meeting the specified admission requirements and offered them an opportunity to study at DSU. Based on the renewed agreement, up to 8 students may now be selected each year. The students can choose among various fields of study providing general education and advanced vocational training. DSU has so far admitted 50 students through this cooperative program, some of whom have gone on to assume prominent jobs after graduating and returning to Sakhalin.

The Minister of Education in Sakhalin remarked that the region is rapidly developing and that outstanding professionals are needed in many fields. He added that there is deep appreciation for the efforts of Dongseo University in providing education which helps students attain the diverse skills required.

President Jekuk Chang remarked that the first generation of Korean-Russians who were displaced from their homes to Sakhalin still feel deep sorrow, making it difficult for the Korean government or for private enterprises to offset the longstanding and deep-rooted animosity felt within the region. The purpose of the Sakhalin Talent Development Program, he explained, is to provide opportunities for higher education to second and third generation Korean-Russians, as well as to other students in the region, so that on returning to Sakhalin they may flourish and bring benefits to both Russia and Korea. President Chang closed by saying how pleased he was to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DSU’s cooperation with Sakhalin.

Two commemorative events were held to show appreciation. The first was organized by the Association of Korean Residents in Sakhalin and held at the Gagarin Hotel on the evening before the signing ceremony for the renewal of the cooperative agreement. The event was attended by local representatives including Deok Ho Park, Director of the Korean Education Institute; Ho Yeong Lee, Business Diplomat of Sakhalin; Young Keun Lim, President of the Association of Korean Residents of Sakhalin; Young Bok Kang, President of the Sakhalin University of Law and Economics. During the event, a plaque of appreciation was presented to the President of DSU by the President of the Association of Korean Residents for continuing commitment toward development in both Russia and Korea.
A second event was held on the evening of the signing ceremony. At the event, President Jekuk Chang received a gift along with a further plaque of appreciation, this time presented by 10 graduates of the Sakhalin Talent Development Program. The graduates also prepared a short video about their studies abroad at DSU and gave a performance which all of those in attendance found very emotionally moving.