
DSU Welcomes Chinese Students Majoring in Digital Contents

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2013-09-12 10:52

On August 27th, 116 junior students from Wuhan, China enrolled in an intense, one-year major course of study offered through Dongseo University’s Digital Contents Division to help them prepare for a successful future in this field.
Dongseo University operates the Korea–China Institute of International Education together with Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. The institute, which was established in 2011, received official ratification from the Ministry of Education in China, making it the first collaboration of its kind between universities in Asia.
The Korea–China Institute of International Education is highly acclaimed due to its competitive educational programs. Significantly, Chinese students require a high score on the ACT admissions examination to be eligible for enrollment.
After studying Korean and completing introductory courses in China, students began entering Dongseo University in August 2011 to pursue majors in Game & Animation. Dongseo University provided them with advanced educational facilities and outstanding professors working out of the 6th floor of the New Millennium Building.
At a welcoming ceremony on August 28th,, President Jekuk Chang emphasized that in the fields of Digital Contents, IT, and Film & Video, DSU is among the best universities in Korea and that the newly enrolled students would receive an intense, top-notch education.
Following that he said, “People all over the world have an interest in ICT and graduates in your major will be highly sought after in the future. I hope that our students will not only lead China in the field of Digital and Cultural Contents, but also play a role as intermediaries between China and Korea.”
In a welcoming ceremony held at the U-IT Hall, the professors in the Digital Contents Division promised to provide the new Chinese students with the best possible education.
Addressing the Chinese students, Tae Soo Yoon, Dean of the Digital Contents Division said, “You have entered this university as DSU students. You should be filled with self-esteem and pride. The environment here is different from in China and although some things may seem initially inconvenient, you should strive to overcome those difficulties through understanding. The future of the Digital Contents Division is in your hands and in those of the Korean students. The professors and the department’s administration will do their best to support you.”
The Division of Digital Contents consists of the Departments of Game, Digital Imagery, and Animation & Visual Effects. It provides students with access to very experienced professors and leading educational facilities.
The Digital Contents Division at Dongseo University is internationally renowned. Many universities in Asia, Europe and other locations are collaborating with DSU to offer their students opportunities to study advanced technology through DSU’s Digital Contents Division. As a result, many students have recently been enrolling at DSU to study Digital Contents technology.