
Campus Asia at Dongseo University

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2013-09-17 16:59

Campus Asia is an education consortium including Dongseo University in Korea, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in China and Ritsumeikan University in Japan. Other leading Korean universities selected to operate similar educational consortiums as part of the Campus Asia Program include Seoul National University, KAIST University, POSTECH University, Korea University, Seongkyunkwan University, Busan National University, and KDI School of Public Policy. The object of the program is to create a new generation of leaders in humanities who have a strong understanding of the cultures and languages of Korea, China, and Japan.
The Campus Asia students (10 from Dongseo University, 10 from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and 10 from Ritsumeikan University) began a new semester at DSU on September 5th. While at DSU, they will take a 10-week course in history, literature and language to further prepare them for a successful future in humanities. The course will involve various cultural experiences, field studies and homestays on weekends. Before arriving at Dongseo, the students had spent one semester in China (February 17th – April 23rd) and one semester in Japan (May 6th – August 5th).
Each university in the consortium provides a 30-week educational program, during which the students study together and share dormitory accommodations. Students participating in the program receive financial support for air fares, boarding and living expenses. Also, after completing their studies, the Campus Asia students will be awarded a joint degree presented by the universities in the three countries.
At an opening ceremony held to welcome the Campus Asia students to DSU and to provide them with details regarding their schedules and curriculums, student representatives from each university gave short presentations and President Jekuk Chang gave a welcome speech in which he said, "Based on the trust established between our three universities, we are working together to foster Northeast Asian leadership. I'm sure the Campus Asia Program will contribute toward building good relationships among the three countries."