
Top Ranking in Competition Ratio for Advance Admission

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2013-09-24 17:31

The deadline for submitting applications for advance admission was September 13th, 2013 and 16,630 prospective students applied to DSU for the 1,794 available admission placements. This gives a competition ratio for advance admission of roughly 9:1, which was the highest in Busan.
This is the second year in a row that DSU has ranked highest among 4-year universities in Busan in terms of overall competition ratios for advance admission. Particularly notable was the advance admission ratio of 45.5:1 in the category of teacher-recommended applicants hoping to enter DSU’s Department of Police Administration.
Other notably high ratios in this category included Dental Hygiene (29:1), Social Welfare (23.3:1), Nursing Science (22.5:1), Film & Video (19.5:1), Industrial Management Engineering (18.2:1), Radiological Science (18:1), Fashion Design (17:1), Occupational Therapy (15:1), Tourism (13.5:1), Biomedical Laboratory Science (13.5:1), Chinese (12.6:1), Electronic Engineering (12.3:1), Health Administration (11.5:1), and Mechatronics Engineering (10.2:1).
In the general admissions category, some notably high ratios included Police Administration (19.6:1), Nursing Science (20.5:1), Social Welfare (18.3:1), Radiological Science (18.2:1), Fashion Design (15.7:1), Mechatronics Engineering (14:1), Tourism (13.7:1), Film & Video (13.8:1), Dental Hygiene (13.3:1), Health Administration (12.1:1), Industrial Management Engineering (10.4:1), Design (10.3:1), Electronic Engineering (10.3:1).
The high competition ratios for advance admission can be attributed to factors such as the availability of diverse global programs, opportunities to study abroad at DSU’s branch campuses, advanced educational facilities at DSU’s Busan campuses, awards of government funding for educational development, leading employment rates for recent graduates, and DSU’s global reputation as a hub university in Asia.
For example, DSU offers students opportunities to gain international experience through its Study Abroad Programs (SAP-USA and SAP-China), providing them with support to cover the costs of airfares, living expenses and educational fees for up to one year. The concept of Before Dongseo, After Dongseo (BDAD) is taking root through global programs such as these, and the education being provided at DSU is positively impacting the lives and career prospects of its students.
Within the Busan, Ulsan and Gyungsangnam-do region, DSU ranks first in graduate employment rates, and it ranks in the top 7 among medium-sized universities nationwide. Moreover, DSU has been selected by the Korean Ministry of Education to participate in the Educational Capacity Strengthening Program and receives roughly 4 billion won annually in government grants for educational support and development.
Additionally, earlier this year DSU ranked 50th in an evaluation of internationalization among Asian universities. The evaluation was jointly conducted by the British company QS and by the Chosun Ilbo, and again DSU ranked highest in its region. Also earlier this year, DSU was host to the Asia Summer Program, in which 350 students from 27 universities in 11 participated to experience one another’s cultures and to develop a better understanding of Asia.
Commenting on DSU’s top-ranking in the competition ratio for advance admission, President Jekuk Chang said “I appreciate the interest shown by those who applied to DSU and I will do my best to help all of the students who enter DSU to reach their full potentials. We have an objective of becoming one of Asia’s leading hub universities and have set our sights beyond competitions in our local regions. I wish to make DSU a university where diverse students from all over Asia can study together and exchange ideas and cultures.”