
Renewed Agreement with Communication University of China

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2013-10-15 16:48

Dongseo University and the Communication University of China have extended an agreement enabling them to benefit through one another’s respective strengths in Film and in Communications. The signing ceremony was held in the Global Room at DSU on October 1st.
Communication University of China, which was established in 1954 with the aim of fostering talented individuals in the fields of communication, broadcasting, and publication, adopted its current name in 2004 on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Prior to this time it had operated under the name of Beijing Broadcasting Institute. The fact that many popular announcers and producers in China are among its alumni adds to the university’s prestige.
The signing ceremony was attended by Su Zhiwu, President of Communication University of China, who was accompanied by Dean Li Xingguo of the Presentation Arts School along with Professors Cao Jiuping, Liang Ming, Tong Huamiao; Zhou Yiwen and Fan Xiaoqing.
Delegates from Dongseo University in attendance included President Jekuk Chang, Vice President Cho Jeoung Seong, Dean Lee Yong Kwan and Professor Son Hyun Seok from the Im Kwon Taek College of Film & Performing Arts and Professor Kim Jung Sun from the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science.
President Su Zhiwu toured the facilities at DSU’s main campus and Centum Campus with interest. He remarked, “This is my second time visiting DSU and it is impressive to see the rapid development that DSU is undergoing. Our two institutions are well known for fields involving media, and I expect we will move forward together as leading Asian Universities in these areas through our cooperation.”
President Jekuk Chang said, “DSU and Communication University of China have maintained a strong friendship for over a decade, having first begun collaborating in April of 2001. Recently, the 5th Korea-China University Film Festival has given us an excellent opportunity to work together and activate academic exchanges. I am sure we will continue our close and longstanding relationship for many years to come.”
The contents of the extended agreement include sharing of cultural and educational resources along with exchanges of faculty, researchers, and students. The two universities also agreed to jointly promote the Korea-China University Film Festival and to increase its participation by inviting additional universities.