
DSU Student Wins International Fashion Design Award in the U.S.

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2013-11-07 15:46

Lee Seon-Lim, a DSU student in Fashion Design, was honored at the Manish Arora Awards at the 2013 Arts of Fashion Foundation Competition in San Francisco on October 24th. The Arts of Fashion Foundation, located in San Francisco, is a global nonprofit organization which holds an international fashion competition every year.

The October 2013 competition included 365 students from 120 universities in 37 different countries. Only 50 students were selected for the final. Five students, including Lee Seon-Lim, won awards. The theme of this competition was “Resilience” and Lee Seon-Lim’s concept was “The Human Resilience”.

Lee Seon-Lim said, “Humans have been changing for centuries but we can’t change our nature, so we tend to go back to our roots. I think the root is like the bone. Therefore, I made two designs of clothes based on ribs wrapped around our spine and heart.”

She added, “To express that concept, I used origami technique. I made the shape of the bone by using textiles and I kept in shape by sewing.”

She continued, “It is very important to lay the foundation of design. The biggest dynamic in my project was derived from the experience and training I received at Dongseo University. I deeply appreciate the help I received from my professors and parents, and I thank them all for trusting me and believing in me. Now, thanks to DSU, I am getting closer to my dream of becoming a professional designer.”

As an added bonus, Lee Seon-Lim now has the opportunity to work as an intern at Manish Arora for three months.