
Graduate Student Starts Work at Samsung Electronics

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2010-04-28 00:00

Kew Hsein Ping came from Malaysia to study Ubiquitous IT Engineering at Dongseo University‘s Graduate School of Design & IT. During his two years at DSU, he studied hard under Professor Jeong Do Un, who works in the Ubiquitous Biomedical Lab. Kew Hsein Ping greatly enjoyed learning about new technology, and he also enjoyed networking with the people he met here in South Korea.

In February 2010, he began working as a research and development engineer at Samsung Electronics in Suwon. He said that he was excited about achieving his long-awaited childhood dream of working at Samsung. He had fantasized about studying abroad because he wanted to be involved with innovative research.

Remarkably, he was awarded the Young Scientist Prize for his thesis "Implementation and Estimation of a Wearable ECG Monitoring System for Ubiquitous Healthcare" in the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing & Logistics Systems (IML-2009) held in mid-February 2009. The conference was hosted by the Graduate School of Information, Production and Systems at Waseda University, Japan.

Moreover, in 2008 he was selected as an outstanding foreign student representing South Korea in the 9th China Synergy Program for Outstanding Youth. He interacted with delegates from 18 other countries and visited Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Xian, Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.

While studying at Dongseo University, he joined the Global Tutoring Program organized by DSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning. By participating in the program, he made many Korean friends who were very kind to him, and together they learned each other’s languages. Having these close Korean friends around him made him feel that his life here was full of meaning.

He said, "I can tell that DSU has a strong and lively community. Studying at DSU has given me numerous opportunities that I had never dreamt of. It promises its students a great and bright future by encouraging their aptitudes, talents and creativity. DSU is an information center for postgraduate studies, for financial assistance and most importantly for employment. It is also a center for sharing resources, talent and creativity that can benefit and contribute to your future."