
“Dream Big” Says Former President of Samsung C&T

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2013-11-27 14:09

Hyun Myung-Kwan, former president of Samsung C&T, gave a special lecture to DSU students at the Minseok Library on the 21st of November. In attendance were students from the Department of International Studies, the Department of Management, and the DSU Honor Society Program.
Mr Hyun studied law at Seoul National University and economics at Keio University in Tokyo. Upon returning to Korea, he began working at Samsung.
In speaking to the attentive audience, he said “I’m aware of DSU’s vision of being ‘The Only One’, and I often use these words when I give lectures. I really like them because the idea of ‘The Only One’ is needed within companies and enterprises.”
He also emphasized the importance of dreaming big, saying “an individual should have what appears to be an impossible dream, but at the same time one that is achievable.” He added, “If you still don’t have a dream, find your dream now. You should keep your eye on what you are doing and where you are going. Don’t be afraid of challenges. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Mr. Hyun spoke of his own dreams and of his managerial experience at Samsung, including stories of the restructuring of Samsung involving Founder Lee Byeong-chul and current Chairman of Samsung Electronics Lee Kun-hee. The dedicated Samsung employee’s speech was found to be very inspiring.