
Campus Asia Students Discuss Korea-China-Japan Relations at Special Lecture

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2013-12-05 09:59

On October 29th, President Jekuk Chang gave a special lecture at the International Cooperation Center on current relations between Korea, China, and Japan.
Of the thirty students from the highly successful Campus Asia tripartite program in attendance, 10 were from Dongseo University, 10 from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and 10 from Ritsumeikan University. The lecture was also broadcasted via live transmission to students at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and at Ritsumeikan University.
President Chang, an international relations specialist said, “Korea-Japan relations are entering a crisis period. Conversely, much like a honeymoon couple, Korea-China relations are improving. China-Japan relations currently show signs of competition.” President Chang then asked, “What do you think of the diplomatic conflicts at issue and the international relations between these three countries?” A two hour period of heated discussion arose.
After the lecture, some of the students answered questions in Korean. Lesina Kwak, a Chinese major said, “Next year I’ll get an extensive education in China. I’m so grateful to receive financial support from Dongseo University for air fares, boarding and living expenses, and I’m very excited to live and share cultures with students from different countries.”
Yosimi Kohei from Ritsumeikan University said, “I have been studying the languages and cultures of East Asia, and due to the gracious hospitality I’ve received here in Korea I have never felt that Korea-Japan relations are bad.”
After listening to the discussions following the special lecture, Jeung Won-Ji, a Japanese major from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies said, “I might become a mediator after graduation.”