
100 Multimedia Design Students Enter DSU from SUES

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2014-03-26 09:10

An entrance ceremony was held on March 10th for the 100 students from Shanghai University of Engineering Science entering Dongseo University in 2014 as part of the 3+1 Joint Multimedia Design Education Program operated by the two sister-institutions. In attendance at the ceremony held in the International Seminar Room of the U-IT Building were many distinguished guests, including Ding Xiaodong, President of Shanghai University of Engineering Science; Qian Huiming, Director of the International Office; Cheng Yuhuai, Vice President of the Multimedia Design School; and Wang Yansong, Director of Automotive Manufacturing. Also in attendance were DSU President Jekuk Chang and DSU Vice President Jeoung Seong Cho, who additionally serves as Director of the Design Department.
DSU and SUES established their Joint Multimedia Design Education Program in 2003. According to its 3+1 arrangement, students from Shanghai University of Engineering Science study for three years at their home university followed by one year at Dongseo University.
The President of SUES said at the ceremony that “multimedia design is popular in China these days, with employment rates reaching about 96%. Both of our universities have made great achievements, and in many respects SUES can still learn a lot from DSU. I sincerely hope the students from Shanghai University of Engineering Science will learn a lot during their time abroad, especially concerning their major and Korean language.”
President Jekuk Chang encouraged the students from SUES saying, “DSU is specialized in Design. Its high-tech IT and Design facilities along with its excellent faculty will provide you with the best education. Roughly 600 students from SUES have now benefitted through our specialized joint education program, and we hope the close relationship between our two sister-universities will foster continuing collaborations over many years to come.”