
DSU Graduate on Becoming an Adidas Team Manager

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2014-03-28 16:14

Recently, Dongseo University talked with former English major, Seong-Yong Kim, currently team manager at the Adidas head office in Germany. He entered Dongseo University in 1996, and graduated in 2000. He currently works as a team manager within the financial department of Adidas. He has already worked over seven years at the head office and over ten years at Adidas. He would like to share his experiences and helpful advice about working for a global company, which could benefit others meeting in their career goals. He recommends, “While at university, students need to actively grasp opportunities, experience a variety situations, acquire English skills, and have a positive attitude if they are interested in joining a global company.”

1. As a university student what did you want to do? Where did you want to work?

Those seem like easy questions, but there are not many people who can easily answer those questions. When I was a university student, I thought since I am an English major I want speak English well. After having many experiences in the United States, I would like to work abroad to realize my full potential.

2. Could you share your experiences at university?

I had several unforgettable memories while at university. I would like to introduce some of them:

As a departmental student representative, I was able to develop my leadership abilities. Leaders who do not have leadership abilities are unnecessary. A good leader must make an effort for unity among the students as well as the administration. Being a student representative was at times difficult and annoying, but it was also a good opportunity to learn many important things for free. I recommend everyone become a student representative.

In English play festivals, I was in charge of directing performances and acting in English productions. It was one of the most precious memories of my life. Being a member of a club in university will help students discover hobbies they can enjoy the rest of their life. I encourage everyone to actively participate in a club while being a student.

In the International Technology Corps, I formed some of my greatest memories, which also helped me to broaden my worldview. I realized the words ‘We are the world’ through this experience of meeting people without prejudice. During my volunteer work, I went to a small village in Indonesia. The people who lived there were not wealthy, but they seemed to be happier and richer than many others I have met in my life. I learned a lot of things about the world. Therefore, I strongly recommend everyone participate in the International Technology Corps.

As an assistant to a foreign professor, I built a precious asset for my future, but it required that I had to work after school. This was a great opportunity since I was not only able to earn money but also study English at the same time.

I was fortunate also to do an internship at an American hotel. I wanted to study abroad, but I could not afford to do so. After searching different ways to live abroad, luckily I found the Dongseo University Internship Program. It was the greatest way for me to go abroad because I wanted to have a practical working experience as well as study English. I had to pay only for the flight to the United States. The benefit of the internship program was up to me. I worked at the reception desk of the hotel, but it was not because of my English skills. I think my positive mind and sincere attitude touched the president of the hotel and the internship agent’s heart. While I was working there, I was always active and tried to learn as much as I could. As a result, I became the best employee possible. I was trusted by the team manager and the president of the hotel. The year I spent as an intern in the United States was really a valuable time where I experience a globalized life and developed my abilities.

I hope my university experiences will encourage other students to become active while at university. There are many opportunities at Dongseo University; however, you have to be eager to find all of them. Knock and the door will open for you. You should know DSU is always providing a lot of opportunities to those who are interested.

3. How should students prepare for the future?

If you want to work abroad, just having good English conversational skills is not enough. Although it is essential to have excellent English skills to work at a globalized company, you also should not be afraid of using English. Dongseo University provides one of the best English education programs. To get the most out of the program you should have good relationships with foreign professors and participate in the international internship programs. At Adidas, there are always lots of interns from the United States, Europe, South America, the Middle East and Africa. When international companies choose interns, they consider the candidates’ ability, personal qualities, and potential rather than which the universities they graduated from. Unfortunately, it is still uncommon to find many Asian interns at Adidas. However, I believe I will soon be working with Dongseo University juniors from many departments such as the Design Department, the Finance Department and the Administration Department. Leading companies around the world are always looking for capable people. It is possible to join them if you strive to do your best.

Lastly, I would like to share my memories about joining the head office at Adidas. When I joined the branch in Korea, I was working with graduates from the most prestigious universities. My English ability and my positive attitude helped me to get in. After having the job interview with the foreign President, I assured myself that I would be hired. I did my best, so I was able to get recognition for my ability. When there was an opening in the head office, I decided to join the office, so I am now working there as a team manager.

I sometimes ask myself, if I did not enter Dongseo University, would I become the man I am today? I think it would be very difficult. I have a lot of beautiful and pleasant memories of Dongseo University, and I sometimes want to relive those moments. I fully appreciate efforts of the professors and administration at Dongseo University for giving me many opportunities and helping me reach my potential.

Seong-Yong Kim
From the Adidas Head Office in Germany