
DSU Branch Campus opens in Centum City

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2010-03-15 00:00

Dr. Chang Sung Man, founder of DSU, Kyungnam College’s University of Information & Technology (KIT) and Busan Digital University, has officially declared the start of the ‘Centum City Era.’ On September 23rd, Chang Sung Man and President Park Dong Soon participated in the groundbreaking ceremony of DSU’s new campus. The DSU Centum City R&D Town, which was built as part of the Centum City campus, is an eighteen-story building with two basement floors in a five thousand pyeong, costing 66.8 billion won.
The R&D Town is intended to serve as a public relations building and will be located near the Shinsegae Department Store, the biggest department store in the world. President Park said, “Today is a historical day because DSU and KIT are spreading to Centum City. This has been possible since we were the first to invest in this field, ahead of others. The Centum City Campus will contribute to the development of our nation, and Busan, by concentrating on highly value-added contents and state of the art technology.”
Then, Chang Je Won, who was the former president of KIT and now a national assemblyman said, “It’s nice to see the Dongseo families together after such a long time. Also, I am deeply moved by the groundbreaking ceremony of R&D Town because I actually made a grand plan for this land six years ago. My plan has come true thanks to Dr. Chang Sung Man. So, I’m happy and I hope the Dongseo Academic Foundation will continue to develop all over the world.”
The Centum City R&D Town was designed for research, invention and the establishment of various projects in IT, films, tourism, conventions, and the construction of a hotel.
In March of 2012, a multi-purpose cinema, a multi-purpose hall, a multi-library, seminar rooms and an enterprise to maintain the center, will open on this location.
R&D Town’s construction staff explained, “This facility will be built as a green building with a photovoltaic system (a renewable energy source using solar panels) making it a Busan landmark.”