
King Sejong Institute to Open in Vilnius, Lithuania

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2014-07-28 15:55

Dongseo University and Mykolas Romeris University have received approval to jointly operate a King Sejong Institute in Vilnius, Lithuania. It will open in October and will be the first institute in the region to teach Korean language and culture.

Approximately 70 proposals were submitted for evaluation, among which17 universities and institutions were selected. Approval decisions were made according to demand for Korean education and ability to provide adequate educational support programs.

The King Sejong Institute was established by the Korean government based on the increasing demand for Korean language education, the spread of the Korean Wave, the rise of international marriages within Korea, and the expansion of Korean industries abroad.

Dongseo University and Mykolas Romeris University were also approved by the Ministry of Education in Korea and Lithuania to run a 2+2 Joint Degree Program in the field of Digital Contents and Informatics. The program will begin in fall semester of this year, and all participating students will study Korean language at the King Sejong Institute before beginning their studies abroad in Korea.

Mykolas Romeris University is a national university located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It is ranked second in the country and has approximately 22,000 full-time students.

Dean for International Cooperation at Dongseo University Chan Chung said, “The Vilnius King Sejong Institute will help to spread Korean education and culture in Lithuania and other Baltic countries. It will also contribute toward enhancing friendly relations between Korea and Lithuania.”