
Top Prize at Leap Motion Application Contest

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2014-08-27 12:13

Dongseo University students Kim Min-jin and Hwang Je-seung, seniors in software engineering, along with Yeom Eun-hye, a senior in graphic design, were awarded the top prize at the 1st Leap Motion Application Contest Exhibit. The U.S. Head Office President’s Award was presented to the DSU students in a ceremony held at “CNN the Biz” in Gangnam, Seoul, on July 19th. The winners were selected among a total of 76 participating teams.
The application entered by the DSU team involves a hand rehabilitation treatment system based on leap motion recognition. Six programs were suggested for treating fingers, arms and shoulders. The rehabilitation treatment incorporates the motions of up and down, rock and paper, fold and unfold, hand flip, and piano.
To create this application, the DSU team consulted experts in medical rehabilitation and occupational therapy. The feedback received was very helpful in making improvements to the application.
Kim Min-jin said, “The favorable competition results are due to collaboration between DSU’s Division of Computer and Information Engineering and DSU’s College of Design. Our team developed synergy through the exchange of ideas and opinions on the contest exhibit.”
Prize-winning entries will be submitted to the U.S. Leap Motion company and will be registered at the Airspace app-store after evaluation. Also, a development fund will become available for the entries selected by LEAP FUND in the U.S.