
CAMPUS Asia Students Celebrate Milestone Achievement

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2014-12-24 09:08

On December 5th, a CAMPUS Asia (Collective Action for Mobility Program of University Students in Asia) ceremony was held at the International Seminar Room in Minseok Library. The program enables students to take classes at Dongseo University in Korea, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in China, and Ritsumeikan University in Japan. It aims to produce East Asian leaders who are trilingual and have a strong basis in Humanities.

After an initial year at their home university, the students in the program have taken their second and third year courses in Korea, China, and Japan. Now, with the international intermediary stage of the program complete, the students will return to their home university to finish their final year of studies.

The ceremony was attended by President Jekuk Chang of Dongseo University, President Kawaguchi Kiyohumi of Ritsumeikan University, Dean of the Department of Japanese Language and Literature Chang Sugaung of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies as well as the thirty participating students from the three universities and their parents.

In his opening address President Jekuk Chang said, “CAMPUS Asia started with the third Korea-China-Japan trilateral summit in 2012, and it has been successful despite some early administrative challenges and worsening relations in East Asia. Yesterday, I was surprised and happy to hear Japanese and Chinese students in the program communicating naturally in Korean. I genuinely hope they will use their knowledge and experience to benefit our region as future leaders.”

President Kawaguchi Kiyohumi of Ritsumeikan University encouraged students by saying, “You should have confidence. Your have had a great opportunity to learn together about our countries’ cultures and histories, and I doubt there are any other university students with an understanding of East Asia similar to your own.”

At the ceremony, students gave presentations on the topic of “Before CAMPUS Asia, After CAMPUS Asia.” This offered a chance for the Chinese and Japanese students to demonstrate their Korean language skills and for all students to share the experiences they had with other languages, histories, and cultures.

Kamakura Huyume from Ritsumeikan University said, “We were together wherever we went for 2 years, so I could always interact with my Korean and Chinese classmates. This was really helpful in learning their languages. Although living abroad was difficult at first, I could gradually enjoy more as I came to understand the different languages and cultures.”

Jung Da-eun from Dongseo University said, “I took in-depth classes about regional international issues such as the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, Dokdo/Liancourt Rocks, and visits to the Yasukuni Shrine. We discussed these matters often. At first, I expressed opinions only from my own Korean point of view, but now I can discuss these and other issues with an understanding of others’ perspectives.”