
Agreement between Dongseo University and Kanagawa Institute of Technology

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2015-03-27 11:31

Dongseo University and Kanagawa Institute of Technology concluded an academic exchange agreement on March 12th in the Global Room at DSU. The President of DSU, Jekuk Chang, and the President of Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Kazumi Komiya, signed the agreement containing provisions for exchange of academic information and materials, promotion of collaborative programs, exchange of faculty and students, among others.

President Jekuk Chang said, “I met with the President of Kanagawa Institute of Technology at the Asian University Presidents Forum in Thailand last year. At that time, we talked about potential areas for cooperation between our universities. After extensive preparations, we are both satisfied with the agreement reached. DSU will do its best to promote continuing collaboration.”

President Kazumi Komiya said, “Kanagawa Institute of Technology emphasizes core values. New technologies arise quickly through technological innovation and collaboration, but we must always remember fundamentals and values. If these are preserved, the university and its students can overcome any challenges. Kanagawa Institute of Technology is preparing students to be internationally competitive by focusing on individual characteristics and high standards.”

Dongseo University and Kanagawa Institute of Technology focus on internationalization, and the two institutions will benefit by sharing their comparative strengths. Kanagawa Institute of Technology is located in Atsugi, Japan. It has four academic divisions: Engineering, Creative Engineering, Applied Bioscience, and Information Technology.