
Local Social Welfare Theory Applied to Real World Situations

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2015-07-06 16:12

Professor Nam Il-jae from the Social Welfare Department gave a lecture on his theories about local social welfare, which were later successfully implemented by students of the Social Welfare Department. This was made possible through capstone projects approved for budgetary support.

The capstone consisted of six different projects and programs: painting a mural on neighborhood sidewalks and walking paths; an emotional development program for disabled children; a program to protect the safety of students living near Dongseo University campus; a lunchbox delivery service; an environmental development program for weakened housing structures in the Jurye 2-dong neighborhood; and, a program for senior citizen leisure activities.

The painting team, with the support of the social enterprise ThemeUnico, completed their work in Munhyun 1-dong. The DSU students and participants from ThemeUnico completed a beautiful stairway painting under the direction of a skilled artist. The team for emotional development spent time with and cared for disabled children in connection with a children’s orphanage. The team for DSU students’ safety installed LED streetlights in dark alleyways, using acrylic and batteries. The alleyways became brighter and students living nearby were satisfied. The lunchbox delivery team delivered side-dishes. They especially focused on constructing an infrastructure to provide nutrition for seniors by connecting with a variety of organizations and local youth. The team for improving seniors’ leisure activities developed a program with activities such as massage and gymnastics for seniors at the Ilsin Senior Citizen Center in Jurye 2-dong, Sasang-gu.

One participant, Kim Chae-young said, “We put the theory into practice. I realized what real welfare is when I saw that the local residents were satisfied with our work.”

Capstone Design is an educational program that helps students increase their abilities and solve problems they face in their fields.