
“Imagination Dream Festival” Held at Dongseo University

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2015-07-06 16:14

Students from the Computer and Information Engineering Department, their specialized business group, known as “CK”, along with the LINC business group, recently held the “Imagination Dream Festival” on June 22nd. The main focus of this festival was the promotion of creative ideas. The festival was held in the U-IT Building and lasted for two days.

The festival started off with two creative ideas competitions. One competition was for freshmen and the other was for all other years. Following those competitions, there was a presentation competition and a capstone design competition. Sixty-four teams participated in the freshman creative idea competition, and the upper-years were represented by 77 teams. The presentation and capstone design competitions had 42 teams each. One team was chosen for the grand prize, two teams for excellence awards, and three teams for participation prizes. The prize money totaled 4 million won.

In addition to the competitions at the festival, there was a special lecture given by Moon Ki-seok of Aptronics as well as an open-themed workshop given by Jung Jin-wook of Dell Korea. There was also a presentation titled, “For a Wider World”, given by students who joined exchange programs at Oulu University in Finland and SAP-USA. The “Imagination Dream Festival” was prepared by students for one semester. It exhibited students’ creative ideas, and rewarded their efforts.