
Grand Prize at the Busan Public Design Contest Goes to Dongseo University Team

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2015-08-11 09:08

At the 2015 Busan Public Design Contest, senior Visual Design majors Kwon Hee-kyung, Kim Seo-hee, and Choi Na-ra, won the grand prize, known as the “Busan Mayoral Prize,” along with five million won.

The team won the contest for their work titled, “The 21st Century Saemaeul Movement.” The aim of the contest was for teams to produce creative urban renewal designs focusing on a selected village that is next to a railroad. Their work received high marks based on their vegetable garden designs and the “Child Safety Zone.” These features, along with their consideration of the village’s congestion issues, showed the team’s understanding of the relevant design needs.

Winning team member Kwon Hee-kyung said, “I learned so many things by participating in the contest. I also feel my efforts were rewarded.”