
17,155 Rolling Admission Applications Received for 2016 Spring Semester

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2015-09-24 15:53

Dongseo is becoming a dynamic, future-oriented university guaranteeing students their own bright future. High school seniors and other prospective students seem aware that although DSU has a relatively short history, its growth and development are record setting. During the recruitment period, which ended on September 15, applications were received from 17,155 students nationwide hoping to shape their future at DSU.

At the end of recruiting, 1,927 out of 17,155 applicants were accepted, which is higher than had been anticipated. The resulting acceptance rate was 8.9 to 1. If DSU had accepted its minimum number of enrollees (1,792), the rate would have been 9.2 to 1. High individual acceptance rates by department or division include Police Administration, 70 to 1; Dental Hygiene, 46.4 to 1; Nursing Science, 39 to 1; Biomedical Laboratory Science, 27.5 to 1; Radiological Science, 26 to 1; Social Welfare, 22.8 to 1; Film Acting, 19.7 to 1; Occupational Therapy Department 17.4 to 1; Division of Digital of Digital Content, 16.2 to 1; and Film & Video, 16 to 1.

DSU’s rise to prominence is due to the unified efforts of every aspect of the Dongseo University organization. Dongseo has declared this year as the first year of the university’s vision for a “future-oriented university”. All departments are currently implementing their own individualized strategies for growth and competition in the future.

DSU is also quickly becoming a model for internationalization. There are currently 825 international students from 73 countries attending classes at Dongseo. In 2018, it is likely the number of international students will surpass 1,000. DSU students also have many opportunities to study abroad, with programs such as SAP-USA and SAP-China (Study Abroad Programs), the Asia Summer Program (ASP), and the Dongseo Asia Initiatives Program (DAIP). DSU has also been selected by the government to receive support for students through LINC and CK-1. Moreover, Dongseo University tends to lead Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do in graduate-employment rates.

President Jekuk Chang gave this heartfelt pledge at the end of the recruitment period, “I sincerely want to thank all of the applicants who placed their full trust in Dongseo University. All of us at DSU will make every effort to help each student develop the skills needed for becoming a successful global individual.”