
The 2nd Asia University Film Festival

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2015-10-07 13:15

The 2nd Asia University Film Festival (AUFF) was launched at DSU’s Centum Campus in Haeundae on September 30th in conjunction with the 20th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF). At the first festival, only universities from China and Korea were represented; however, the second AUFF expanded to include 30 universities from countries including Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, and Thailand. A total of 42 films were screened. The screening genres included scripted movies, animations, and documentaries.

The opening ceremony for AUFF took place at the Sohyang Musical Theater. Legendary Film Director Im Kwon Taek as well as renowned actress and BIFF Executive Committee Director Kang Soo-yeon participated in the ceremony, providing special encouragement for the young and talented Asian students. In addition, 80 professors and students from the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA), the Beijing Film Academy (BFA), and Shanghai University took part along with attendees from various film universities and 150 other guests, both local and from abroad.

The opening film, “A Stop in the Mist,” was directed by Jang Kang from the Communication University of China. Attending as judges were Im Sun-rye, who directed The Informant and The Best Moment in Our Lives; Yoon Jong-bin, who directed The War with the Crime; Su Ping, who was awarded the Grand Prix at the 2000 Festival De Cannes with Devils on the Doorstep; Allen Zhu, who is a Chinese movie investment company representative; and Terawaki Ken, who is an eminent critic and professor at Kyoto University of ART and Design in Japan.

Along with the movie screenings there were seminars and master classes available, including a seminar by Su Ping concerning the inspiration for his award-winning film, Devils on the Doorstep, which was held on October 1st.

President Jekuk Chang commented, “This festival offers a place where Asian professors and students can intermingle and learn about each other’s film cultures. It also serves as a basis for discovering and training talented students who will lead the Asian film industry.”