
Women’s Career Development Research Center Wins Two Grand Prizes at National Symposium

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2015-11-30 18:04

On November 11, Dongseo University’s Women’s Career Development Research Center won two Grand Prizes at the 2015 Women’s Career Development Research Program Symposium, held by the Korea Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. DSU was awarded the overall Grand Prize for Best Program as well as the Grand Prize for Best Student Video.

DSU’s Marine Tourism & Leisure Specialty Marketing Training Program won the overall Grand Prize at the symposium’s awards ceremony held at iConvention in Seoul’s Yongsan district. The win was credited to the central business program, which promotes developing new types of occupations that showcase the characteristics of Busan through distributive cooperation.

The Best Student Video category was themed “Work, Family Coexistence, and Career Continuity.” The Grand Prize went to DSU’s video “Wednesday Is Family Day.” The prize-winning video expresses the message that, in order to create familial love and happiness, family members need to work together with love and diligence. The video illustrates this point by showing four members of a family as they cooperate in making traditional Korean bean paste stew. The stew becomes symbolic of the happy family: it is delicious because of the harmony of all of its ingredients, just as the family is happy because of the harmony of all of its members.