
DSU Students Join LT GAME JAM 2016 in Lithuania

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2016-02-17 11:19

Professor Bal-gum Song of South Korea’s Dongseo University (DSU) shared his first impression of arriving at the LT GAME JAM 2016 saying, “We were really surprised to see so many students and young people involved, since we did not expect this many participants.”


The ongoing event involves about 500 people who belong to more than 70 teams from Vilnius, Kaune and Klaipeda. At Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) alone, there are over 260 game enthusiasts participating.


This year the Lithuanians are joined by nine students from South Korea’s Dongseo University. Accompanying the DSU students are two chaperones, Prof. Bal-gum Song and Prof. Hyun-seok Lee. The professors allow their students to engage in the game development process without interfering. “We want to see how the Korean students learn, work and cooperate with the Lithuanian students to evaluate their abilities," explained Prof. Lee.


The Koreans are participating in the games as part of two teams, one comprised only of South Korean students and another comprised of both Korean and Lithuanian students.


“Our students showed surprise and enthusiasm over the number of participants in LT GAME JAM 2016,” said Prof. Song. He added, “There are some cultural differences between Koreans and Europeans, and I think it would be good for our students to develop a few of the characteristics we have noticed, such as displaying more energy, positivity, and self-confidence.”


Before his career in teaching, Prof. Song worked in Los Angeles on computer games and film projects, including being part of a team involved in the movieTransformers.


MRU and DSU cooperate on a joint program in Digital Contents. In the future, a group of Lithuanian students from MRU will move to South Korea to study at DSU for two years. The successful graduates will receive two diplomas, one from Mykolas Romeris University and one from Dongseo University.


The LT GAME JAM 2016 marathon will be held until Sunday. Live events in Vilnius can be viewed online.


The original version of this article appeared in Lithuanian at