
The First Nation and City Brand Symposium Was Held at Busan City Hall

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2010-06-16 00:00

‘The 1st Nation and City Brand Symposium’ cosponsored by Dongseo University and Busan Daily News was held on March 18th at the International Conference Room of Busan City Hall. The topic of the symposium was “Great Korea! Dynamic Busan!” The Brand Management Center of Dongseo University and Busan Regional Culture and Industry Research Center conducted this symposium to make Busan an internationally competitive city by strengthening the national and city brand images and inviting global enterprises and businessmen into Busan.

At the symposium, Dongseo President Park Dong Soon, Chairman of the Committee of the National Brand Eo Yun Dae, President of Busan Daily News Kim Jong Ryul, and Dongseo chair professor Ewakuni Desundo attended and made speeches.

President Park said in the congratulatory speech, "At the moment we notice that the importance of brand images is increasing, so we need to find out the ways to develop and enhance the city brand of Busan. I hope this symposium will be a meaningful stage where effective strategies to highlight the advantages of Busan can be discussed.

Chairman Eo said, “When our national and city brand values rise, Korean enterprises and products also receive high praise in the global markets. If the national brand of Korea rises by only 5 %, it can create enormous added value, equivalent to the business profits of 10 Korean major enterprises.”