
Statue of Founder Dr. Chang Sung Man Unveiled

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2016-05-31 12:24

On May 19, a ceremony was held to unveil a statue of the late Dr. Chang Sung Man, Founder of the Dongseo Educational Foundation and former President of Dongseo University. The statue is located on Minseok Hill, above the University Chapel.

The statue was commissioned by the alumni associations and faculties of the three institutions of higher education established through the Dongseo Educational Foundation, and by the members of the 21st Century Forum, a global group of educators and researchers. The three institutions are Dongseo University, Kyungnam College of Information and Technology, and Busan Digital University.

The statue was erected to commemorate Dr. Chang’s foresight, national commitment, and dedication to Christianity. The sponsors asked artist Kim Gyu-ryong to sculpt the statue, and the alumni association of KIT took the lead in the project.

During the ceremony, the alumni associations and faculties of the three universities, along with the members of the 21st Century Forum, commemorated Dr. Chang’s great achievements by singing the Founder’s favorite hymn, “God Is So Good.”

Pastor Choi Hun-gyu then said a prayer on behalf of everyone attending the ceremony. “Thank you for letting the Founder pray with tears for the revival of the country, with a Bible in one hand and a plowshare in the other, and for letting the Founder establish and manage the University with absolute positive faith, Christian spirit, and the belief that ‘I can do all this through Him who gives me strength,’” said Pastor Choi.

During the ceremony, Chancellor Park Dong Soon spoke to those present. She said, “Thank you to all who gathered here on this good day. I’d like to sincerely show my gratitude for this ceremony. The lead alumni association of KIT and the faculties of the three universities have followed the Founder’s will.”

Professor Ha Byeong-wook from the Music Department then sang the famous hymn, “How Great Thou Art.”

The sculptor, Kim Gyu-ryong, received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Keimyung University and has sculpted several statues of famous people, including Lee Byeong-chul, the founder of Samsung, and Lee Il-yeong, a well-known Korean patriot.

The statue of Dr. Chang is inscribed as follows:


 “Holding up the Bible and the Plowshare”

with Love for the Lord and Love for Neighbors

Christian spirit is the philosophy of Dongseo Educational Foundation

 “I aim to cultivate individuals of integrity who are well-balanced

in knowledge, feelings, and will through intellectual, emotional,

and volitional education based on the Christian philosophy of

applying the Lord’s words to life.”

This is the Christian spirit of Dr. Sung Man Chang, founder of

Dongseo Educational Foundation, and also the permanent

fundamental philosophy of the foundation.


Pastor Choi’s full prayer was as follows:

“Dear God, our Father, full of grace, today marks the 51st anniversary of the establishment of the Dongseo Educational Foundation, a beacon during dark times and the work of a great educator and a great political leader who touched and healed the hearts of the people. He was a true shepherd who willingly sacrificed for his sheep, and he was a pioneer. Thank You for allowing us to pass on the great faith and achievements of the Founder, Sung Man Chang, who was loved by all of us. We erect this statue so that he may continue to be a role model unto future generations. We sincerely give thanks for this unveiling ceremony.


The development of the Dongseo Educational Foundation over the past 51 years has been a sign of God’s presence within the foundation. Fifty-one years ago, this area was an empty wasteland, where heavy storms raged and people could not live. However, today it is a place where thousands of university students prepare for their future. Praise and prayers resound every day. Thank You for turning this area into a hill of blessings where Your Word is spread.


Throughout the past half century, hundreds of thousands of our graduates have contributed to the country’s modernization and industrialization through various occupations. Thank you for allowing our educational institutions to improve the nation and become ever more prestigious.


God, our Father, Whose providence directs history! As Nehemiah prayed with tears for the revival of Israel, thank You for allowing the Founder to pray with tears for the revival of the country, with a Bible in one hand and a plowshare in the other, and for allowing the Founder to establish and manage the universities with absolute positive faith, Christian spirit, and the belief that ‘I can do all this through Him Who gives me strength.’ Please remember the Founder, who dedicated his whole life to the establishment and the continuing improvement of the Dongseo Educational Foundation, and bless his descendants so that they may be strong and great.


God, our Father, Who lives eternally! This place where the statue was erected is on a hill from which the most beloved, beautiful church of the Founder can be seen. Let all of Your people who stand here today learn from the Founder’s faith and life, and live by this faith. By realizing the will of the Pastor, let our universities awaken this age and open the eyes of the people. Please grant faith and courage to Chancellor Park Dong Soon who oversees these universities, and guard her health. Please bless the regional directors of the 21stCentury Forum who took part in this ceremony today. Also, please bless the alumni association of KIT, which gave so much toward enabling this statue to be sculpted and unveiled here today.


I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Who is the Resurrection and the Life.

