
Closing Ceremony of Korea-China New Media Institute, Jointly Operated by Dongseo University and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

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2016-06-30 10:45

The closing ceremony of the Korea-China New Media Institute, which is jointly operated by DSU and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, was held on June 17 in the U-IT Building at Dongseo University. A total of 211 third-year Chinese students successfully completed their one-year program of study at DSU as part the “3+1” system in which Chinese students study for 3 years in China and then get intensive education for 1 year at Dongseo University in Korea. Among the 211 students who successfully completed their year at DSU, 103 students will participate in eight weeks of practical training in Korea during the summer vacation before going back to China.

The Chinese students who participated in the closing ceremony are majoring in Animation and Digital Image Production. On the day of the ceremony, the students watched a video of their time at DSU, and they cheered loudly as they recalled fond memories.

At the ceremony, Tang Siyan and six other Animation major class presidents received awards and prizes for their leadership in their classes.


Greetings of Tae Soo Yun (Vice Director of Im Kwon Taek College of Film and Media Arts) at the Closing Ceremony


It seems like a short time since all of you came to study in Korea, but it has been one year already. I’m grateful that nobody dropped out and all 211 students completed the program safe and sound.

Also, I’d like to thank the professors, secretary, and seniors in the graduate school for teaching and leading you all.

The Korea-China New Media Institute has been reforming the global standard curriculum in order to react to the rapidly changing environment of the cultural industry. It has also enhanced the system of vocational and start-up guidance.

As a result of this hard work, your seniors have achieved great competitiveness such as accomplishing an employment rate of 80.43% as of June 2016. This was possible because you studied hard with the help of all professors and staff.

Today you will complete the program, but 103 students will remain in Korea to get 8 weeks of practical training, and then later do the rest of their practical training back in China. Through your skills achieved until now, you will gain valuable experience in different fields including game, animation and VFX in companies. Also, I have confidence that you will build a good portfolio to submit to prospective employers.

You’ve done throughout the program. I hope you will enjoy the rest of your time in Korea until the day you go back, and I look forward to your continued development.


Chinese Student’s Impression at the Closing Ceremony


 Cheng Donghe, Digital Image Production Major


Hello Everyone, I’m Cheng Donghe in class C.

It’s my honor to present in this place, representing students in the Digital Image major.

One year flew by.

I’ve finally gotten used to Korea, Busan, and DSU… and now I have to prepare to say good-bye.

So let us look back again one last time. 

First, let’s talk about the class.

The most amazing thing is that we could understand the class materials of professors, and the professors understood our thoughts. However, this was not possible many times with other Korean people.

We took 1 or 2 classes every day, but each class lasted 4 hours. So we had many things to think about, to practice, and we had many exams.

Especially, it’s the final exam period currently, so we are all having a hard time. But all professors taught us enthusiastically and helped us repeatedly if we couldn’t catch up.

Also, if we were not doing well, they corrected us and complimented us generously. We learned a lot. I sincerely thank all the professors. Thank you for all of your efforts.

Secondly, I’d like to talk about our life.

Actually, we all had an awesome time during our study abroad. One day is not enough to talk about all the episodes involved in solving our necessities like food and shelter.

Especially, most students became more beautiful and handsome. I also started to put on makeup and learned how to manage myself after I came to Korea. Likewise, the ability to manage ourselves is one of the great achievements we earned.

Thirdly, it’s the cultural aspect.

We have no doubt about the influence of Korean films, dramas, and K-pop. Since we came to Korea, we have learned technology, creative thinking, and have experienced Korean culture through meeting Korean friends. I hope Korea-China cultural exchanges will develop through us in the near future.

Finally, let us thank the staff members who took care of us, the professors, and the Korean teachers with a round of applause.谢谢大家Thank you


Meng Ziru, Animation Major


Hello everyone.

It’s my honor to make a speech in this closing ceremony, representing my other friends in the Animation major.

First, as a representative of the Animation major students, I’d like to show sincere gratitude for the efforts of the professors who taught us.

Also, one year flew by.

To friends who depended on each other, I hope you will improve constantly in the future through the achievements of the time and effort we put in.

For the past year, I was happy to be able to satisfy my desire to learn that I had when I arrived in Korea.

I believed that my fellow students would all achieve what they wanted to in the course of this year.

As I spent a busy year, I believe that the feelings I’ve felt will not be that different from those of my fellow students. The happy, exiting memories and regrets will remain deeply in my heart.

Through one year of learning, we were able to organize the knowledge spread out and also organize our thoughts for future directions.

In addition, we improved step by step through group projects and gained inspiration through active debate.

However, we are sad that we won’t be able to listen to the great lectures of professors, that we won’t be able to participate in exciting events, and that we won’t be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Busan anymore.

As I look back on this past year, we have gained a lot of things and missed many things.

I have never felt one minute or one second was so valuable like this.

I’d like to ask fellow students.

If you could live one year in Korea again, what kind of life would you want?

What would you choose, and what would you give up?

You shouldn’t hesitate anymore. You should decide your goal and direction firmly and also move forward.

Finally, I’d like to thank Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and Dongseo University for granting us this valuable chance to learn.

Thank you for all of the care and meticulous teachings of the professors. Also, thank you for teaching us so many things.

We were able to survive throughout this one year with help from the seniors in times of hardship.

The time of the past year was not boring because we were staying together with fellow students.

Professors, seniors, and fellow students… Thank you for this past year.

Thank you.