
One Month in Indonesia for Dongseo University International Tech. Corps

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2016-07-18 09:52

The 21st annual group of Dongseo University International Tech. Corps volunteers will work from July 11th until August 8th in six different villages in Indonesia. They will toil upholding the biblical message, “Freely you have received; freely give”. This year, in addition to upgrading village utilities to solar powered street lights and water systems, DSU will be expanding its activities to providing tips on makeup, nail art and skin care, giving local girls a chance to look like the superstars they idolize.


Dongseo University’s volunteer team leader, Professor Pae Su-han, will be joined by vice leader Professor Lee Hyeon-jeong and caretaker Baek Woon-yeong, along with 33 students. The volunteer work performed will be in the areas of technological development (solar powered street lights, water powered electricity, waste disposal, crop development, furniture production), living environment development (repairing and building public facilities, painting buildings, repairing and producing clothes), education (taekwondo, computer, English, science, makeup, nail art, skin care), and culture (Korean food, recreation and culture). Dongseo University President Jekuk Chang encouraged each one of the volunteers personally with a warm handshake.


Also, Dongseo University will be getting a lot of help this year. The DSU International Tech. Corps team will be working in collaboration with Indonesia Petra Christian University, as well as groups from China, the Netherlands, Japan, Hong Kong and the United States. In all, 180 university students from seven nations will be taking part.


Dongseo University team leader Shin Hong-seop from the Business Management department said, “The selected volunteer workers have been preparing since October of last year, meeting twice a week during school and every day during vacation to discuss how to provide effective aid for the villagers. The plan is to teach village kids the basics of sanitation and CPR. No matter the language or the circumstances, the youth are the future of the nation, and that is why we want to be as helpful as possible to the young people. Each volunteer is highly motivated, as we are aware that our work is a representation of Dongseo University.”