
Global Studies Institute Building Heralds Era of 1000+ International Students at DSU

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2016-09-12 08:46

Dongseo University’s new seven-story Global Studies Institute Building, where local and international students will takeEnglish-language-basedcourses and where Design Department studentswill study in brand new, state-of-the-artworkshop spaces,officiallyopened on August 29.



In attendance at the opening ceremony were Chancellor Dong Soon Park of the Dongseo Educational Foundation, President Jekuk Chang of Dongseo University, President Chu Man Seok of Kyungnam College of Information & Technology, Chairman Kim Jae Jin of Kyungdong Construction Co., Representative Kim Myeong-Geon of Daum Architects as well as many international students and DSU faculty members.


In his speech, President Jekuk Chang reminded those in attendance that at the 1992 Dongseo University opening ceremony the founder had proposed two goals for the then new university: internationalization and specialization in Design. “This building,” said President Chang, “showsthat DSU is still committed to those founding goals.”


President Chang added, “At DSU we look forward to soon passing the milestone of having over 1000 international students, at which time this building will be of great use. I would like to thank everyone who worked hard in designing and building it.” To Representative Kim Myeong-Geon of Daum Architects and Park Yeong Ok of Kyungdong Construction Co., President Chang presented a plaque of appreciation for contributions to the completion of the building’s construction withoutstanding technologyanda strongsense of mission.


Helena, an Indonesian student who is a senior in Film Studies and who participated in the official ribbon cutting ceremony, said, “It’s an honor to cut the ribbon as a student. However, film students usually have their courses at the Centum Campus. I’m sad that I won’t have the chance to use this building very often.”


Helena came to DSU through a 2+2 program after finishing her freshman and sophomore years at Petra Christian University in Indonesia. She said she is greatly satisfied with her campus life at DSU, noting that the campus, curriculum, professors, and equipment are all excellent.


Barhud, a Computer Engineeringfreshmanfrom Uzbekistan, alsoattended the ceremony with several friends.Hesaid, “Thank you for building this awesome new facility forusinternational students. DSU life isalwayssurprising, and I’mreallylooking forward to my future life here.”





-GSI Office-


-Active Learning Classroom-


-Global Seminar Room-


-Image Classroom-


-Design Library-


-Design Gallery-


-Design Factory-