
DSU Students Win Gold and Silver Prizes in Advertisement Contest

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2018-01-24 13:33

“Your Unavoidable Future” wins gold prize

“The Best Pension” wins silver prize


Students from Dongseo University’s Advertising PR department were awarded the top two prizes at “The 2nd Anti-Smoking Advertisement Contest: Kan Lions.” During the awards ceremony, held on December 26 at Seoul KDB Life Town, Kim Mi-rim and Kang Yeun-hee, juniors in advertising PR, were awarded the 1 million won first prize; and Kwon Yun-hee and Kim Jae-hee, also advertising PR students, were awarded the 500,000 won second prize.


The contest was sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korea’s Anti-Smoking Support Center and organized by Kan Lions Korea. The purpose of the contest was to provide proper information about smoking and to help spread a non-smoking culture.


The first prize was awarded to the short film “Your Unavoidable Future,” a 30-second anti-smoking campaign video. The video draws attention to the fact that smokers want the packaging of cigarettes to be more attractive and that they dislike unappealing health risk warnings. The video concludes by saying that smokers may be able to avoid unsightly pictures on their cigarette packs, but they cannot avoid the horrible health consequences of smoking in their future.


“I got the idea from my friend who works at a convenience store,” said Kim Mi-rim. “People hate buying a disgusting-looking pack of cigarettes, but, still, they buy the cigarettes. I endeavored to express a realistic outlook. I hope our advertisement convinces many people to quit smoking.”


The second prize went to “The Best Pension.” The video focuses on the positive aspects of not smoking rather than focusing on the negative aspects of smoking. It was directed to resemble a life insurance commercial.


These works were created in an advertising PR and CM manufacturing practice class taught by professor Kim Jong-pil. They were sponsored by the Capstone Design program of the LINC+ Enterprise Organization.