
CAMPUS Asia 2019 Opening Ceremony

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2019-03-06 09:57

The CAMPUS Asia 2019 opening ceremony was held on March 1 at the Dongseo University Management Hall. CAMPUS Asia is a government-sponsored specialization program jointly run by Dongseo University in Korea, Ritsumeikan University in Japan and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in China. Students from the three participating universities learn the languages (Korean, Japanese, and Chinese) as well as the history and culture of the three countries at each of the three campuses. The opening ceremony was attended by all 20 CAMPUS Asia freshmen from Dongseo University’s Department of East Asian Studies, as well as their parents. In addition, 20 students from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, 19 students from Ritsumeikan University and 30 senior students from Dongseo University welcomed the incoming students.

Professor Lee Hong-kyu, Professor Jae Jeom-sook and Professor Ozasa introduced the CAMPUS Asia program in detail to the new students and parents, including the course material, academic schedule and CAMPUS Asia team.
Lee Won Beom, the Head of the CAMPUS Asia program said, “CAMPUS Asia is a very special program. It is the only program in Asia where undergraduate students from Korea, China, and Japan come together to study. I hope that students from the three countries will learn and share the culture and humanities of their societies together through this program and become the next-generation talent who will lead the East Asian community into the future.”

Jeong Ju-seon from Dongseo University’s Department of East Asian Studies (Senior)
I want to tell first-year students to work hard. You might think, “What am I doing? What kind of college student am I?” But don’t give up. If you work hard for one year, you can do many things and make many friends abroad in the future.
I would like to say that I envy the second-year students. When I was a sophomore, there were so many things that I couldn't do because I was scared of studying abroad for the first time. I was afraid to try new food, so I ate dumplings for a week at the North Gate and at first it was hard to reach out to my Japanese friends. So don't be afraid of everything that will come to you in the future. I tried and there was no reason to be scared.
I'd like to tell third-year students to challenge themselves. In your second year studying abroad, try to challenge yourself to do what you did not do in your first year studying abroad. Even if the challenge fails, you will have a memorable experience. If the challenge succeeds, you will have a great memory.
I want to say thank you to my fourth-year classmates, who are in the last year. Let’s do well together for the rest of the year. We started with only 20 of us, and now we have lots of first- and second- and third-years with us. Let's help them together.
Welcome everyone! Fighting! I love you all!
Maho Koike from Ritsumeikan University (Senior)
Now my second year studying in Korea is going to begin. Unlike last year, when everything was new and weird, I feel more relaxed and Dongseo University feels like a familiar place.
I'm looking forward to learning new things, not just languages, because my language skills are much better than last year. I want to work hard so I can show that I’m improving.
And this year, as we become seniors, I want to be a good friend to my juniors. Since it's my last year in Korea, I want to do it all, eat everything, go everywhere and be satisfied without regret. Thank you.
Na Yeong-in from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (Senior)
It is a great honor to have been given the opportunity to give a speech on behalf of the third-year Chinese students at the CAMPUS Asia opening ceremony.
I still do not realize that I am in the third grade. Because last year, a year of studying abroad, has passed so fast, so I'm glad to be back in Korea after 6 months.
Last year, when I was studying at Dongseo University, I made lots of fun memories and received much attention and care from professors and staff. Therefore, I am looking forward to studying in Korea this semester which is the last semester for us. This year, I would like to have a good time with friends from Korea and Japan and with my Chinese juniors. Thank you.

Bae Soo-Hyun from Dongseo University’s Department of East Asian Studies (Freshman)
With China's open special zone, Japan's electronics, Korea's vessels, semiconductors, and K-pop, it is believed that the global economic market will be concentrated in Asia in the future. Also, I think we need to understand each other's history and culture because Asia is closely intertwined in history.
So I applied to the Department of the East Asian Studies to communicate with Chinese and Japanese friends, understand each other's culture, and create our future together. I have a long way to go and I worry about it, but I'm already excited to meet various friends and have a valuable experience.
I will study hard and do my best so that I can become a leader in Asia.