
News Q College Fosters Creative Convergence Talent

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2020-03-02 09:19

With the aim of fostering creative convergence talents to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution, DSU has launched the ‘Q College’, a future-oriented university system to promote and manage convergence education. It begins operation in the first semester of 2020.
From the “Q” of the College’s name stem the keywords: “questioning,” which in turn derives from “curiosity” and “creativity”; the provision of a “quality” convergence education; and ensuring students receive the “qualifications” necessary to lead the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In addition, students at the spearhead of this educational development will be known as ‘READY (Q)’ talents, the term stemming from “revolution,” “empathy,” “all-embracing,” “design,” and “youthful” respectively, and which was formulated to reflect that they will be given the opportunity to develop into talented young people who can innovate based on a combination of design-convergence and empathy.
The main roles of Q College are to analyze and respond to new demands for convergence education, the operation of new convergence courses and majors, the management of convergence education, and the wider promotion of convergence education. In 2020, Q College will establish and operate a variety of convergence courses to promote and provide experience with convergence education prior to launching convergence majors. The convergence courses offered will include those in the form of interdisciplinary convergence, co-teaching, and problem/project-based learning.
Regardless of their choice of major, students taking advantage of the new convergence curriculum will receive credit for their major, and absolute assessment will be utilized to reduce any potential credit burden.

Kim Tae-wan, Dean of Q College, further explained, “The focus of convergence courses is on students dealing with problems and projects through empathy and collaboration with students of different majors. In particular, it is expected to provide students with opportunities for pushing themselves to achieve excellent results, as well as offering possibilities for patent registration, entrepreneurship, and the publication of academic papers.”

The following six convergence courses will be offered in the first semester of 2020:

Next Generation Mobility Design (Health and Medical Science, Design)Focuses on the design process performed in the mobility industry as a fusion course of service design and ergonomics dealing with the design of next generation vehicles.
Healthcare Service Design 1 (Sport, Design)Investigates the human-centered design of healthcare services based on the interdisciplinary convergence between exercise prescription, service design, and ergonomics.

Brain Engineering and Rehabilitation (Health, Mechatronics, Computing)Provides basic knowledge about early diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients as a fusion course of radiology and occupational therapy that deals with the understanding, measuring, and diagnosing of brain dysfunction.

Health Campaign Project (Media Communication, Design, Sports Science, Health Science, Medical Sciences, Software)Utilizes an approach that deepens major skills in order to plan and apply various health-related campaigns from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Ideation Convergence Lab 1 (Computer Science, Design)Fosters creative ideas based on idea planning and education combined with design artwork and IT technology. 

Prescription Content Design (Sports Science, Design)A convergence course that deals with exercise prescription knowledge and digital design to promote the ease, enjoyment, and health benefits of exercise.