
News Warm Welcome Given to International Students

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2020-03-06 16:44

Coming a long way from overseas to achieve their dream of learning in Korea, international students at DSU have been given a warm hand of welcome to our university by the DSU Student Association.

On March 2, the DSU Student Association prepared 80 boxes with sets of various daily necessities and treats such as face masks, packets of instant ramen, candy, potato chips, and soft drinks, and then delivered them to international students.

This warm welcoming gesture was made in light of the recent difficulties many international students in particular have with the purchase of face masks and other daily necessities while living in a new, foreign country, and also to offer encouragement for their continued studies at DSU. One participating DSU Student Association member said, “Through this gift of daily necessities, we hope to help in a small way with your overcoming of the difficulties of living abroad, and to help you better focus on your studies."