
News Design Students Attend International Workshop in Australia

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2020-04-22 15:46

The ‘Global Design Society’ (GDS) is a “one for one” global program that the DSU College of Design has been building while in the process of formulating its package of specialization projects. As the name implies, it is intended to give each individual participating student the opportunity to participate in at least one global project. In view of this, all DSU students are free to take advantage of this opportunity to participate, converge and communicate through the program, regardless of the academic route they take before entry.

Starting in January 2017 as part of the GDS, the ‘International Workshop Program’ was originally a joint workshop for international students held in the winter in January (during the Australian summer) at Monash University (MON) in Melbourne, and in the summer in July at DSU. In 2018, it was expanded to include the Shanghai University of Engineering Science in China. Further reorganized in 2019, with a renewed stress on exposing students to diverse experiences and values ​​and helping them to develop their globalism, an ‘Australia-China-Korea International Design Workshop’ was held at DSU in July 2019, with the follow-up held at MON from January 6 to 7, 2020. A field trip to Sydney was also conducted. Ten students from DSU participated, each also receiving one million won in scholarships.

Leaving from Korea on January 2, in Sydney the participating DSU students ran programs to explore and research sites such as ‘Digital Signage,’ ‘Public Screen,’ ‘Projection Mapping,’ and ‘SYDFEST 2020.’ In so doing, students took advantage of their understanding of public media in connection with digital signage-related company visits gained from their previous participation in the ‘LINC+ Corporate Visitor Program’ in the second semester of 2019.

Among many other achievements of the 2020 iteration of the GDS, noteworthy steps forward included: consultation on the expansion of the existing global exchange program at MON; meetings held with the University of Melbourne on global education curriculum development;  securing possibilities for students’ overseas employment through interviews with representatives of Australian companies, including TCS Pty Ltd.; and producing program results that can be further utilized both internally and externally.

Arriving back in Korea on January 10, a participating DSU student said of the experience, “Through the combination of my professors’ explanations, and seeing various media that I had previously only learned about at DSU in both real-life and in foreign environments, I now feel very much closer to achieving my dream of becoming a global designer.”

Due to disruptions caused by Covid-19 Virus, for the 2020-2021 GDS the schedule for student selection will be announced after the start of courses. In addition, the College of Design will endeavor to continue to provide and further develop this specialized and meaningful internationalization program.