
Dongseo and Fukuoka Establish Academic Exchange Agreement

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2010-11-08 00:00

Dongseo University (DSU) has finalized an academic exchange agreement with Fukuoka University, a prestigious school in western Japan which has 1,345 professors as well as 20,112 undergraduates and 861 graduate students. On June 29th, DSU President Park Dong Soon and DSU Vice President Chang Jekuk met with Fukuoka University’s President Eto Takuya and its Director of the International Cooperation Center, Takesue Kazumasa. Together they participated in an agreement ceremony in DSU’s Global Room. Both universities agreed to exchange students and faculty, engage in joint research projects, and participate in seminars and symposiums aimed at scholastic information sharing.
In her address, President Park Dong Soon said, “In today’s world, new paradigms that differ greatly from those of the past are spreading throughout every field and rapidly becoming globalized. I’m sure that this exchange agreement will contribute to our mutual harmonious development since both Busan and Fukuoka already share an economic vision and are working to promote regional cooperation.”
President Eto Takuya of Fukuoka University said, “I have heard many times that DSU is highly regarded as an innovative university. Its
Fukuoka University recently celebrated its seventy-sixth anniversary. It remains committed to such educational ideologies as the coexistence of novel talent and core education as well as the continuing comprehensive development of its undergraduate students with a focus on both regional and international goals
The agreement was reached with starting “Busan–Fukuoka Universities Consortium” in September, 2008, which is comprised of twenty-four universities in the two cities. Members include DSU, Busan National University, Donga University, Fukuoka University and Kyushu University, all of whom worked to promote regional exchange.