
Law and AI Linked in New Collaboration Between DSU and MRU

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2021-05-07 13:39

Dongseo University’s computer engineering department is working closely with the law school at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) in Lithuania to assist with cutting-edge technology and expertise in a new collaboration between the two institutions aimed at meeting educational challenges posed by the covid-19 pandemic.

The difficulties presented by the pandemic have led to a host of changes in education over the past year. In particular, schooling has been moved mostly online and international programs have been put on hold. As a result, many university students have found it impossible to participate in traditional, in-person classes and international student exchange programs. Innovatively finding a way to work around the usual forms of international collaboration in education, Dongseo University and Mykolas Romeris University have partnered to introduce a new alternative for their students.

Continuing the long-standing relationship between the two universities, Dr. Paulius Pakutinskas from MRU’s Legal Tech LLM proposed an online educational collaboration between MRU’s law school and DSU’s computer engineering department. The MRU law students were highly interested in learning more about new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, in terms of both applications and implications in social sciences. Dr. Pakutinskas felt that the computer engineering professors at DSU were a perfect match for teaching MRU’s law students about those new technologies.

Dongseo University’s Professors Lee Byung-gook and Kang Dae-ki led two separate special lectures under the theme of Artificial Intelligence, in which they introduced the current state of knowledge in this rapidly developing area. The law students in attendance in Vilnius, Lithuania found the special lectures highly informative and extremely salient. The lecture titles and outlines are below.

Review on Standardization Activities of Artificial Intelligence and its Trustworthiness (Prof. Kang Dae-ki)

Lecture outline:

Machine learning (ML) technologies and related standardization activities are briefly reviewed. The lecture covers the rules on trustworthiness (fairness, bias, etc.) of AI and ML technologies including Asilomar AI principles, OECD AI guidelines, EU guidelines, etc.

Visual Recognition with Deep Learning (Prof. Lee Byung-gook)

Lecture outline:

The lecture covers the development history of object recognition algorithms in use in the field of digital/visual real-time information. Based on this, the importance of big data is explained and discussed in the context of privacy and social responsibility.