
DSU Offers Special Experience to Overseas Korean Children

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2010-11-10 00:00

On July 26th, five Korean children raised abroad visited Dongseo University to learn about Korea. The university supported all costs related to staying in Korea through a program called, “The Korean People Network.”
This program, which ran from July 26th through August 14th, included learning some Korean language, touring Busan and Gyeongju as well as Hyundai Motors and POSCO, taking a pottery class, participating in a tea ceremony, watching Korean movies, and experiencing Korean traditional clothing. From August 9th through 12th, the participants did volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity in Wolpa village in Gwangyang, Jeolla-Namdo. The program goal was to strengthen their bond with their motherland and inspire pride in overseas Koreans.
Jung Woo Sik (19), who immigrated to the U.S.A. when he was six years old, said, “I would like to know more about Korea, its culture and its history. This program allows us to learn about Korea through direct experience of such things as making pottery and wearing Korean traditional clothes.”
Regarding his first visit to Korea, Jacob Choi (20) said, “My parents are Korean, but I was born in the U.S.A. and have American citizenship. This is my first time coming to Korea. I participated in this program in order to find out more about my Korean heritage. I appreciate this chance offered by DSU.”
Five Dongseo students who belong to the Global Program also participated in this program, helping participants to learn about the Korean language and about Korean culture.