
Visiting Professors Give Special Lectures for Dongseo Students

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2010-12-24 00:00

From September 29th through October 7th, the University of Oulu’s Professor Esko Alasaarela delivered special lectures to graduate students majoring in U-IT. He spoke mostly about e-health and discussed joint research areas of e-health.
On October 11th, Professor William James Kroyer of Dodge College of Film and Media Arts at Chapman University in Los Angeles lectured to DSU students at the International Seminar Room in the Minseok Library on the topics of computer graphics and 3D movies. In particular, he talked about the latest trends in movie imagery and the skills of movie making. As digital art program director, Prof. Kroyer has received many awards, including the Apollo Award for computer animation.
Also on October 11th, Professor Sandra Joy Cobban of the University of Alberta, Canada, gave a special lecture regarding professionalism relating to dental hygiene at the International Seminar Room in the Minseok Library. Twenty-five students from DSU’s Department of Dental Hygiene and fifteen students from DSU’s Department of Information & Technology attended the lecture.