
DSU Social Welfare Department Ranked 7th in National Evaluation

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2010-12-24 00:00

Dongseo University’s (DSU) Social Welfare Department has made its oft-shouted slogan "Top Ten & To The World" come true!
On September 29th, the Joongang Daily Newspaper reported the results of its '2010 National University Evaluation,' conducted by its University Evaluation Team. In the article, it announced the rankings of liberal arts departments of universities throughout the country, and the DSU Social Welfare Department ranked very highly, placing seventh of the thirty-five universities that have social welfare departments. It also had the highest percentage of employed graduates.
Prof. Cho Eun Jeong, Chair of DSU’s Social Welfare Department, said of the results that, "Although the DSU Social Welfare Department was established only as recently as 2004, it achieved this result through providing qualitative and substantial education, industry-university cooperation, and a practical-education focus. In particular, the concrete and substantive industry-university cooperation and the passion of the faculty led to this pleasing result.”
By living up to its slogan, "Top Ten & To The World," DSU's Social Welfare Department has established itself as the best in Busan and has earned the reputation of a high ranking Social Welfare department nationally.