
Green Campus Initiative Aims to Make DSU a Low Carbon Campus

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2011-05-04 00:00

On January 21st, Dongseo University concluded an agreement with the Nakdong River Basin Environmental Office (NRBMO). Participants met at Dongseo’s Global Room to sign the agreement to make DSU a green campus. Former President Park Dong Soon, former Dean of the Graduate School Cho Jeung Sung, Head of the Dongseo Green Campus Initiative Lee Young Jun, Commissioner of NRBMO Lee Sang Pal, Director of the Environmental Management Division Kim Seung Hee, Chief of the Water Ecology Management Division Yoo Wan Kyu and Chief of the Chemicals Management Division Kim Jae Hwan all participated in the ceremony.
The Dongseo Green Campus Initiative aims to make DSU a Green Campus with low carbon emissions. A decision was reached to combat climate change by actively implementing the campaign and by cooperating positively in accordance with the main policy on the environment. NRBMO declared about the activity of the Green Campus Initiative that “We are going to support DSU in its plans with detailed assistance in the aspects of administration and technology.”
Former President Park emphasized, “DSU has continually tried to make a Green Campus. Through this agreement, we will make an effort to realize our goal of making a low carbon Green Campus and inform the surrounding area of this campaign. It’s time to cope with the changing and abnormal global climate. From now on, we will embrace Green Life eagerly.”
Commissioner of NRBMO Lee Sang Pal said, “I appreciate that DSU has organized the Nakdong River Environmental Protection Corps and has been conducting the campaign to revive the Nakdong River for the past ten years. I expect DSU’s moving toward a Green Environment will have a large effect in this area. Green campaign is a mission of the university. I hope DSU will foster Green Leaders through Green Campus and Green Education.”