
Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science Achieves a 90% Pass Rate

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2011-07-04 08:50

Students in the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science in the Division of Health Science have been awarded a 90% pass rate in the national examination for medical laboratory technologists. A total of nineteen students in their first term took the national examination and consequently seventeen students passed. This is an outstanding achievement since the nationwide average pass rate is 65%.
In addition, Sung Hye-Rim, a student from this department, gained employment as an intern in the area of pathology at Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. Initially 47 applicants applied for this position, but only two including Sung Hye-Rim were accepted.
Recently, DSU has had a number of success stories in the Division of Health Science. Forty-two students in the Department of Nursing prepared for the BLS-Provider license which led to the successful completion of the necessary requirements and licensing. Also, three junior level students in the Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science and nine students in the Department of Health Administration have obtained a sanitarian license.